Arne Bjornsson Nomeland died after 1569 in Norway. He married Torbjorg Torusdatter.

Other marriages:
Moland, Astrid Helgesdatter

Torbjorg Torusdatter married Arne Bjornsson Nomeland.

Pal Knutsson Rike married Margithe Olsdatter Harstad.

Margithe Olsdatter Harstad [Parents] was born in 1803 in Norway. She died in 1864 in Norway. Margithe married Pal Knutsson Rike.

Other marriages:
Tvedten, Olav Knuttson

They had the following children:

  F i Gunhild Palsdatter.
  ii Gjermund Pals..
  iii Gjermund Pals..

Olav Knutsson Kvestad [Parents] was born in 1757 in Norway. He died in 1835 in Norway. Olav married Anlaug Knutsdatter Amli in 1789 in Norway.

Other marriages:
Dale, Sigrid Anundsdatter

Anlaug Knutsdatter Amli was born in 1769 in Norway. She died in 1851 in Norway. Anlaug married Olav Knutsson Kvestad in 1789 in Norway.

They had the following children:

  F i Sigrid Olsdatter Harstad.
  M ii Knut Olsson Harstad.
  M iii Knut Olsson Harstad.
  M iv Gunnar Olsson Harstad.
  F v Birgit Olsdatter Harstad.
  F vi Margithe Olsdatter Harstad was born in 1803 and died in 1864.
  vii Torbjorg Ols. Harstad.
  F viii Gunhild Olsdatter Harstad.
  M ix Gunnar Olsson Harstad.

Olav Knutsson Kvestad [Parents] was born in 1757 in Norway. He died in 1835 in Norway. Olav married Sigrid Anundsdatter Dale.

Other marriages:
Amli, Anlaug Knutsdatter

Sigrid Anundsdatter Dale was born in 1757 in Norway. She died in 1789 in Norway. Sigrid married Olav Knutsson Kvestad.

Knut Gunnulvsson Kvestad [Parents] was born about 1713 in Norway. He died in 1780 in Norway. Knut married Burgit Gunnarsdatter Kvestad in 1732 in Norway.

Burgit Gunnarsdatter Kvestad was born about 1711 in Norway. She died after 1780 in Norway. Burgit married Knut Gunnulvsson Kvestad in 1732 in Norway.

They had the following children:

  F i Vilborg Knutsdatter Kvestad.
  F ii Vilborg Knutsdatter Kvestad.
  M iii Gunnulv Knutsson Kvestad.
  M iv Olav Knutsson Kvestad.
  M v Johanne Knutsson Kvestad.
  M vi Olav Knutsson Kvestad.
  M vii Gunnar Knutsson Kvestad.
  M viii Olav Knutsson Kvestad was born in 1757 and died in 1835.

Gunnulv Knutsson Kvestad [Parents] was born in 1661 in Norway. He died in 1731 in Norway. Gunnulv married Vilborg Olsdatter Hillestad.

Vilborg Olsdatter Hillestad was born about 1685 in Tovdal. She died in 1731 in Norway. Vilborg married Gunnulv Knutsson Kvestad.

They had the following children:

  M i Knut Gunnulvsson Kvestad was born about 1713 and died in 1780.
  F ii Gyro Gunnulvsdatter Kvestad.
  F iii Birgit Gunnulvsdatter Kvestad.

Knut Tarjeisson Kvestad [Parents] was born about 1636 in Norway. He died after 1695 in Norway. Knut married Gunhild Rolleivsdatter.

Gunhild Rolleivsdatter married Knut Tarjeisson Kvestad.

They had the following children:

  M i Gunnulv Knutsson Kvestad was born in 1661 and died in 1731.
  ii Targjerd Knuts. Kvestad.

Tarjei Gunnolvsson Kvestad [Parents] was born before 1618 in Norway. He married Ashild Salmundsdatter Viki.

Ashild Salmundsdatter Viki married Tarjei Gunnolvsson Kvestad.

They had the following children:

  M i Knut Tarjeisson Kvestad was born about 1636 and died after 1695.
  M ii Knut Tarjeisson Kvestad.
  F iii Ragnhild Tarjeisdatter Kvestad.
  F iv Turid Tarjeisdatter Kvestad.

Gunnulv Kvestad died before 1618 in Norway. He married Ragnhild Teraldsdatter Tveiten.

Ragnhild Teraldsdatter Tveiten married Gunnulv Kvestad.

They had the following children:

  M i Tarjei Gunnolvsson Kvestad was born before 1618.
  M ii Tarjei Gunnulvsson Kvestad.

Knut Gunnarsson Helle was born in 1794 in Norway. He married Gunvor Olsdatter Besteland.

Gunvor Olsdatter Besteland [Parents] was born in 1780 in Norway. She married Knut Gunnarsson Helle.

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